Leonard Vaughan's Garage

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Spanish Point Road,

Miltown Malbay,


Phone number

(065) 671 5019

Opening hours








07:00 - 23:00

07:00 - 23:00

07:00 - 23:00

07:00 - 23:00

07:00 - 23:00

07:00 - 23:00

07:00 - 23:00

19 customer reviews

4.7 out of 5
Richard Covella year ago

What a fantastic fellow. We tried to charge our electric car, but another vehicle was occupying the charger and had been there for many hours; Leonard kindly let us use his personal EV charger in order for us to have enough range to continue our journey. Can’t recommend this guy enough.

Mary Casserleya year ago

Unfortunately you cannot leave no stars filled in to write a review. I don't know what the petrol is like, but I stopped to use the toilet after a long journey and they were the worse I have ever seen. Filthy!!

Monina O'Prey3 years ago

We stopped here for a fill of diesel and a coffee on 2nd Sept 21. Hubby accidentally filled with petrol:🤭 luckily he realised right away just as I had paid, so we didn’t drive the car but what to do? The young man in the garage workshop beside the forecourt immediately responded -pushed the car into the workshop and set about draining the tank- a slow process. The owner arrived back later and had a chat while the work was ongoing: pushed car back to pumps and filled up again. Hubby went in to pay for fuel in the shop as I asked for bill for garage work. Owner said ‘accidents happen: don’t let it spoil your holiday. You’ve refueled: that’s enough - drive safely and enjoy your evening!’ An incredible response as not only did they sort us out right away, delaying other work, but did a thorough job and tested to ensure no Air Locks! They could have charged us anything as we were just so grateful to get sorted! So very much appreciated their kindness and help: Incredible service: great folk! Such a positive memory of Vaughan’s garage Milltown Malay/ Spanish Point. Many many thanks!

Scott Fletcher7 years ago

Was traveling thru Ireland 2 years ago on vacation from the states, stopped here for a quick fill up but inadvertently filled my diesel rental car up with petrol. The mechanic and owner (Leonard) was not there but his super friendly staff quickly located him and he raised the car on his lift, disconnected the fuel line and pumped all the gas out of the tank and refilled it with Diesel. When he finished I asked him what the bill was. He said “I don’t want to ruin your Holiday, just pay me for the fuel”. I argued we couldn’t accept but he insisted and my wife forced 50 Euro in his shirt pocket.

Ben3 years ago

As a child, I dreamt of finding lost treasure. I would be a swashbuckling pirate, nested on top of my vessel, peering into the vast emptiness of the ocean on the lookout for adventure. My trusted and faithful companion Perdy, the parrot, would whisper in my ear "here there be treasure, Captain." Perdy's eyes would not be on the sea floor, the depths of which I could never perceive. No, instead they would be gazing upon the orange and red plumage of the Leonard Vaughan Service Centre and Spar. When you enter this cavern of curiosities, you're greeted with the sounds and smells of a hundred souls, all scrambling to trade their shillings and gold bullion for rolls filled to the brim with the most succulent of chicken fillets. Elsewhere, small children run around with glee, painting the aisles white with their ice cream cones, freshly churned by the machine of capitalism. Dogs, keen to join the fun, bark madly at passersby, and are rewarded with either huffs of annoyance or soft pets on their heads. Coffee machines ask politely if you'd like vanilla or hazelnut syrup, but fail to heed your reply. Enter Leonard Vaughan Service Centre as a peasant. Exit, a hero.

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