Drive Automotive Ltd

Online finance

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New Road,


D22 E8X7,


Opening hours








09:00 - 18:00

09:00 - 18:00

09:00 - 18:00

09:00 - 18:00

09:00 - 18:00

10:00 - 15:00


7 customer reviews

3.3 out of 5
Sal The Enthusiast5 months ago

After a long persuit for one of my dream cars, the rare & stunning Mercedes CL500 facelift, I finally got my hands on this beauty! Searched everywhere, but it wasn’t until I came across "Drive Automotive" that I found the perfect match. Met Jeff at the dealer, a friendly lad, honest, professional and answers any questions you may have about the car you are looking to buy without any pressure or making you feel rushed. Bought the car about a month and a half ago, and Jeff provided a printed receipt stating specifically a 3 month warranty for Gearbox and Engine. Car is in great shape, runs great and a clean well maintained engine overall. However, the only issue which made me leave a 2 star review is that upon taking the car to a Mercedes service center for an overall check up, it was pointed out that the gearbox is leaking oil from the rusted gearbox oil sump which needed servicing and that it was due (filter change, new oil pan and transmission oil). I was quoted around €850, and so I echoed that to Jeff and since the car is still under warranty, he could cover the amount or perhaps get the mercedes specialist he takes his cars to to do the job instead. But I never heard back. So I went ahead and got the gearbox serviced at my own expense with the receipts sent to Jeff. Hoping that he could maybe contribute to the cost of service amount I paid, at the least half the amount only to be fair. After-sales is very imprtant, and if Jeff can sort this out, a 5 star is surely achievable and I'd be glad to do that.

John Daly4 weeks ago

Thanks a million Geoff. A pure gentleman. My first car from this dealership was a great experience. I wish you every success for the future John Daly John Daly Ireland Tours

paula month ago

I'm in two minds about this spot, I bought a jeep there no problem there, your man I was dealing with was sound, I was talking to him over the phone and he said that the price is the price no bargaining even with cash no problem there at least I knew that walking in the door, but what I can't stand is not getting back any luck and an empty diesel tank, I have bought a fair few vehicles in my lifetime and I've either got back a bit of luck or something in the tank that you can actually drive home without having to drop in to a petrol station 5km down the road, and no luck to fill it up, As I said a nice fellow I was dealing with but as mean as dishwasher, €50 and it would have been more stars, a lot of nice looking jeeps in the garage and if what royals me doesn't bother you I'd have a look around, by the way I very happy with what I bought there, but no luck and no diesel in the tank 😞

Andrei Marin9 months ago

Not very impressed, bought an eclass merc last November, within the same week i realised the battery is weak and old, the cars start/stop system never worked because of this, the rear tailight had an electrical issue just 3 days after i collected the car. I reached out a few times and they couldnt do anything for me despite these issues appearing within the same week of purchase. No real after-sales support hence my 2-star review. If this was a private sale, it would be the norm, but from a dealer this isnt really acceptable.

Gabriela Grasso11 months ago

Worst car dealer ever. Sold me a car that after 1 month start giving trouble with the engine shaking, the Mapfre warranty they gave me with the car did not cover. He got €10.000 and I've got a car that is worth nothing now. Deceiving customers to make money, sure i hope you go bankrupt!!! Worst scammers with white gloves, don't buy here!!

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