Most popular car colours in Ireland

A look at the data from the enduring appeal of grey to the emergence of green.

When it comes to cars, there are essentially two kinds of people: those who consider vehicles a means of transportation and those who see them as an extension of their personality. For the latter group, nothing shouts "individuality" louder than the colour of their cherished set of wheels. 

The choice of car colour might reveal more about us than we often realise. According to the psychology of colour (yes, it is a thing), the colour we choose for our cars can offer insights into our personality traits, values and even subconscious desires.

In Ireland, where car culture runs deep, the colours of our motors tell a lot about us. So, we are taking a closer look at the most popular car colours in the country, both for new and used cars, and what insights we can uncover., the comprehensive car history check website, has gathered and shared this data.

A sobering dominance: shades of grey

Irish motorists have a clear favourite car colour: grey. Grey has been Ireland’s most popular car colour for the past five years, followed by black, white, blue and red.

Grey is a versatile and neutral colour. In a country known for its changeable weather, grey offers a versatile backdrop that complements any setting. The perception of people who choose grey cars is that they are practical and down to earth and may like to blend in and avoid attention. This colour screams, "I'm stylish, but I won't show off about it." It's the choice of those who appreciate subtlety with a dash of elegance. Grey is a relatively timeless colour that won't go out of style soon; therefore, grey cars will be easy to sell down the line. 

Classic elegance: black and white

Black and white follow behind in the race for the most sought-after hue. These two stalwarts have been holding their ground against the relentless rise of grey.

Black is the colour of power and sophistication. People who choose black cars are perceived as being ambitious and successful. They may be the type of people who want to make a statement and be noticed.

White is a popular car colour for those who want a clean and modern look. People who choose white cars are often seen as being organised and efficient. They may be the type of people who like to keep things simple.

Expressing the Irish spirit: blue and red 

In a nation known for its poetic landscapes and creative spirit, it's no surprise that blue and red are the fourth and fifth most popular car colours. 

Blue is a popular car colour for those who want a classic and traditional look. People who choose blue cars are often seen as being loyal and trustworthy. They may be the type of people who value stability and security. Although, being a land of poets, perhaps blue cars are popular because they capture the essence of Ireland's coastline, reflecting the ever-changing moods of the sea. W.B. Yeats would probably drive a blue car. 

Red is a popular car colour for those who want a bold and exciting look. People who choose red cars are often seen as being passionate and outgoing. They may be the type of people who like to live life on the edge. Red also signifies energy and confidence and embodies the fiery spirit of the Irish.

Embracing nature: the green revolution

Green is a popular car colour for those who want an environmentally friendly look. In recent years, there has been a slight increase in the popularity of green car colours. People who choose green cars are often seen as being conscientious and caring. They may be the type of people who are concerned about the planet.

The enigmatic underdog: purple

Purple is a popular car colour for those who want a unique and eye-catching look. In the first half of 2023 there was a whopping 314 per cent increase in the sales of purple cars (compared to the first half of 2022). This comeback is a shock from the downward spiral it experienced from 2018 to 2021. People who choose purple vehicles are often seen as being creative and imaginative. They like to stand out from the crowd.

Used cars: a palette of nostalgia

When it comes to used cars, the top three most popular colours are the same as for new vehicles: grey, white and black. These colours offer a sense of familiarity and reliability.

Silver has found a special place in the hearts of used car buyers, possibly evoking a sense of nostalgia for a bygone era. It's as if people are saying, "Hey, remember when silver was all the rage in the early 2000s? Let's bring it back!" It could also be that silver is a more classic and timeless colour, and silver cars hold their value better than those of other colours.

Vintage vibes: beige, gold and bronze

The used car market also highlights a fondness for vintage hues. Beige, gold and bronze, colours often associated with nostalgia, resonate more with used car buyers. These tones evoke a sense of history and character, adding a unique touch to each vehicle. This may be because these colours are seen as more luxurious and sophisticated and may appeal to a more mature audience.

Of course, these are just general trends, and there are always exceptions. Plenty of people choose to buy cars in less popular colours. But if you're looking for a vehicle that will be easy to sell or hold its value well, choosing one of the most popular colours is a good idea.

What does your car colour say about you? Are you a practical and down-to-earth person who likes to blend in? Or are you an ambitious and successful person who wants to make a statement? You may be a loyal and trustworthy person who values stability and security or an enthusiastic and outgoing person who likes to live life on the edge.

Next time you're thinking about buying a new car, take a moment to consider what colour you want. It says more about you than you realise.