Customer Golf Day 2024

Over 90 golfers took to the course in the sun

Last week Carzone, in collaboration with our Motion colleagues at CarsIreland and, held its much-anticipated annual Golf Outing at the breathtaking Killeen Castle. This now yearly tradition brought together a vibrant mix of loyal customers, industry professionals, and golf lovers for a memorable day of friendly competition, networking, and relaxation on one of Ireland's finest courses.

Set against the picturesque backdrop of County Meath, Killeen Castle provided the ideal location for the event. With pristine fairways and stunning views, attendees were treated to perfect weather, enhancing the experience as they navigated the challenging yet beautiful course.

However, the day was about more than just golf—it celebrated the strong relationships built over the years. Old friends reconnected, new connections were formed, and everyone enjoyed the camaraderie that makes events like this so special.

Naturally, there were plenty of competitions to keep things exciting. Throughout the day, participants put their skills to the test in challenges like longest drive and closest to the pin. Though the competition was intense, a few standout players earned spots in the winners’ Hall of Fame, taking home fantastic prizes and well-deserved recognition.

As the day drew to a close, a prize-giving ceremony was held to celebrate the winners and thank all who took part. Plans are already in motion for next year’s event, which promises to be even more spectacular!

Check out  the video above for some highlights from the day, and our Hall of Fame winners below. We can't wait to see everyone again next year for another incredible day on the green!

1st prize

Cavanaghs of Charleville:

Carl McCarthy

Hugh Sheehy

Sean Herlihy

Dom Foley

2nd Prize

Hanly Motors:

Alan Craven

Cathal Donnelly

David Kearney

Owen O’Connor

3rd Prize

KTBL/RM Commercials:

Michael Killeen

Sean Cahill

Chris Fennessy

Noel Murphy

4th Prize

Southside Autolink:

Alan Doyle

Bobby Doyle

Darragh Corrigan

Thomas Doyle

The winner of the longest drive was Vinny Downey of Pierse Motors.

The winner of Closest to the Pin was Dom Foley of Cavanaghs of Charleville.