How much to import a McLaren 650S?

How much to import a McLaren 650S?

I’m looking to buy a McLaren 650s 2014 in uk it’s £96k any idea how to find out what it will cost to bring into Ireland

Our answer:

Hi David,

That will be a difficult one to estimate as it depends hugely on how much Revenue believes the car is worth in Ireland fully registered. It's such a rare car that it will be tricky to guess at that value, called the OMSP (Open Market Selling Price).

Let's assume an OMSP of €150,000, but that really is a guess and you'll need to adjust the calculations below if you think it's wrong.

The 650S would be in the top band for VRT, at 41 per cent, so that would mean VRT of €61,500.

The NOx levy would be on top of that, but relatively insignificant. Of more worry would be the likelihood that you'd have to pay VAT at 23 per cent and import duty of 10 per cent.

Shane O'Donoghue

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