Costs to import a Golf GTI?

Costs to import a Golf GTI?

hello was thinking of buying a mk 5 golf gti in U.K for 5000 pounds could you give me a rough idea what would total taxes be on that please,thank you, Denis.

Our answer:

Hi Denis,

You'll likely have to pay VRT, VAT and import duty. VAT is at 23 per cent of the price of the paid plus shipping. Import duty is 10 per cent of that. VRT is a lot more complicated.

The VRT band depends on the CO2 emissions and I believe all versions of the Mk5 are likely to be put into the top band, at 41 per cent of the OMSP. That's the Open Market Selling Price according to Revenue, which is what they believe the car would sell for in Ireland. Do a little research on that before you commit as we've seen Mk5s advertised for sale from as low as €6,000 to as high as nearly €20,000.

Shane O'Donoghue

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